Who are we?
My name is Marc Goyvaerts
I was born on May 13, 1963 out of love between Louis Goyvaerts and Alida Maes, their only son. My parents gave me the opportunity to grow up in a safe environment in Ravels. My father encouraged me to study, he hoped for a good future. In my youth I was able to play a lot on the street and build camps in the woods. Holidays with family in Europe have sparked my love for traveling and my respect for beautiful nature.
I graduated as a nurse in 1984 and later specialized in Intensive Care. Improving and optimizing healthcare processes caught my attention and based on this wisdom I followed various management courses, concluding with a university education as a health scientist. My working career took place in the Netherlands, working in various hospitals in the border region.
Health and a healthy lifestyle have made me think a lot in times of corona. If our food should be our medicine, then let our medicine be food [Hippocrates 460 vs 367 BC]. The start of consciously eating a plant-based diet had started, as well as the spiritual deepening that gives me inner peace. The annual program 365 Days of Success has introduced me to a connection with yourself, each other and the world. Joy in, stress out!
A very educational year that left me wanting more. I was impressed that so many people are looking for connection, peace, freedom, friendship and safety. In the years that followed, I was inspired by Michael Pilarcyzk and Tonny Robbins. The core of their messages is "live your best life" and "make sure you are the boss of your life". But how do you do all this, where you long for a good connection? If no one and nothing can make you happy in the long term, only yourself, how does this apply? Inge, my soul partner, has brought me peace and increased meaning in life. Together we put our efforts into building our B&B IKIGAI.
My name is Inge Broeckx
I was born on June 2, 1970. My parents are Gaston Broeckx and Emma Wouters. I have an older brother, Guy. I grew up in Oud-Turnhout and had a wonderful, carefree childhood thanks to my parents.
I graduated as a secretary in 1990 and have always performed this job. I have worked in various sectors and I currently work at the OCMW of Turnhout where I contribute to the care of others.
After my mom passed away, I started thinking more and more about what I wanted to do with my life and whether the life I had was the life I wanted to lead. Many questions arose to which I received no answers. Ultimately, after almost 27 married years, which resulted in a beautiful son, I ended up in a divorce and opted for a life with Marc. To start, we decided to take a wonderful trip to Scandinavia, from which we both emerged stronger into the couple we are today. I was able to gain a lot of inspiration here, thanks to Marc, from Michael Pilarcyzk. His Meditation Moments are highly recommended.
Sports is a great passion for both of us and we complement each other in this. But the best thing is that we have started our B&B, which gives us both a lot of energy. That is why I am always grateful for the respect, gratitude, affection and love he gives me every day. Without all this, I might not have found my Ikigai yet.